Saturday, December 26, 2009

How To Decorate A Cheese Cake For A Wedding

Men and reason after Freud

The reader of Seminaries and Lacanian writings will have been surprised, as happened to the authors of this book, the presence of animals in the desired image of the argument. The acrobatic skills conductor of the games welcomes these guests apparently not essential. The reasons may seem obscure, but soon reveal their needs. "The Ark" highlights the analyst's attention to the "subject" against any reduction objectivist. Its residents are removed from the laboratory where the experimental sciences would use them to achieve a more schematic explanation of man. On the other hand the animals involved in the great tradition that wants them symbolic guardians, custodians or indicators of decisive edge. Show how a knowledge, that really should contact the "subject" can not stay within the limits of a concept too "humanist" man.


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