The theme this year we propose to Padua, The discomfort of anti , play on the famous title of the 1929 Freud wrote Civilization and its Discontents. It alluded to the costs of civilization due to the limits that guarantee and drew the task of psychoanalysis into play in undermining the civil aspect of the drive. Today, the social control no longer points to win through the imposition of limits that govern the impulse drive, but it allows, through the market, doses of immediate satisfaction and without reference to relieve the fatigue of the subjective construction. At the same time is postponed his life (the endless waiting for a job, a public role, of a child). This is why the current psychoanalysis is confronted with the discomfort of anti and strength of disruptive continuous enjoyment.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
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The theme this year we propose to Padua, The discomfort of anti , play on the famous title of the 1929 Freud wrote Civilization and its Discontents. It alluded to the costs of civilization due to the limits that guarantee and drew the task of psychoanalysis into play in undermining the civil aspect of the drive. Today, the social control no longer points to win through the imposition of limits that govern the impulse drive, but it allows, through the market, doses of immediate satisfaction and without reference to relieve the fatigue of the subjective construction. At the same time is postponed his life (the endless waiting for a job, a public role, of a child). This is why the current psychoanalysis is confronted with the discomfort of anti and strength of disruptive continuous enjoyment.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
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The reader of Seminaries and Lacanian writings will have been surprised, as happened to the authors of this book, the presence of animals in the desired image of the argument. The acrobatic skills conductor of the games welcomes these guests apparently not essential. The reasons may seem obscure, but soon reveal their needs. "The Ark" highlights the analyst's attention to the "subject" against any reduction objectivist. Its residents are removed from the laboratory where the experimental sciences would use them to achieve a more schematic explanation of man. On the other hand the animals involved in the great tradition that wants them symbolic guardians, custodians or indicators of decisive edge. Show how a knowledge, that really should contact the "subject" can not stay within the limits of a concept too "humanist" man.
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A world too tightly:
notes on hyperactivity child
Mebra of SLP and scientific director of the Center Gian Gale Milan
Cabinet of Reading,
Uprising Square 4, Padova (middle)
Information and registration Dr. Erminia
via Dignano, 4 - 35135 Padova Tel
3391956869 email: @ erminia.macola
Single meeting: € 10.00
The project will provide some theoretical and clinical insights designed to place the phenomenon of the body hyperactive in a psychoanalytic perspective. A reflection on current and institutions who deal with it - family, school, science - will launch the exhibition.
will be followed by the presentation of some clinical pictures of hyperactive children treated from analytically oriented team. The genesis of hyperactivity in this way will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Friday, December 25, 2009
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Chiara Zamboni , teaches philosophy of language at the University of Verona. Co-founder of Diotima.
Enjoy presence. In Still, J. Lacan gives women an asymmetrical enjoyment than for men. Without a common measure. As women have been able to play that enjoyment in their living the world? I think experiences such as those of Simone Weil, Etty Hillesum and Virginia Woolf. I also think a specific way to act politically in the feminism of women, anchored to the enjoyment of their presence in the weaving action and discourse. In that sense today may be a resource?
Friends of the letter , studies the "realism of the special women," who is also evident in their willingness to "take the address to the letter," the illusion of being in this way closer to the very thing they do not want to be emancipated by immediate concerns. They are faithful to the letter because distrust of the ambiguity of language that also says what is not. Their word reveals, so close to being a singular, that the French language very well could condense nell'assonanza between "the ĂȘtre" and "letter". A new perspective on the literature from the view of the open border between the symbolic and the rest that corrode, as Lacan points out in his text Lituraterre , where the term liturgical reveals the matrix of deviation of the letter, but holds also evokes the Litus hemming the land and shall be the limit assigned to the slow transformation produced from the sea.
A girl and passive intact. Maria Zambrano law dreams of Lucrecia de Leon, lived in the second half of 1500 and burned by the Inquisition in Spain because, through them the political struggle against the tyranny of Philip II. Reading the dreams of Lucrecia, the philosopher puts forward his proposal to an ontological and anthropological knowledge of the soul, but when it goes beyond provision of female passivity and virginity of the soul of each one-digit essential process of transformation.
Anne Lyse Stern. Knowledge deported. From the reading of a text by Anne-Lyse Stern on the deportation, open questions on the effect of traumatic events of this scale on the tongue and its unifying character. Events that affect the very roots of subjectivity, fragmenting the mother tongue to drain the enjoyment that is the "meat". The state of deprivation that is thus created stripping language to silence the trauma itself, and dramatically degrades the drive to say, is in the word, thrust itself constitutive of the unconscious. One of many examples that can be drawn from clinical anorexia is true, but not all. This view of reflection also brings new considerations on the trauma of violence against women.
"On your true likeness." In the language of poetry "likeness" is a key word, which in Petrarch and in almost all the tradition that descends from (ie in the Vulgate) means "image", "appearance", "appearance", "what that shows "," visible form "," sign outside ". If "semblance" stands for "image" and the like, Gaspara Print as many of her contemporaries in the case of an image sui generis, completely resignified be construed as a vibrant, tactile, eager, "open" some would say, aimed at presence rather than representation, ready to accommodate what / where is the image of him and not to part with it, tends to embody much more than to represent them. The "likeness" is therefore a matter of body, means the person, occupies the same position of the beloved, has nothing to do with the sound but it will be (the "semblance your true"), which activates the emotions ("That divine countenance / ch'ardir theme together and give me shoes") and making "company."
Paolo Francesconi, a psychoanalyst, a member of SLP, Bologna.
The feminine masquerade: a question of being. The feminine masquerade reveals a special relationship with the Other's desire, which is at the heart of femininity to the point of having led some psiconalisti post-Freudian, as Joan Riviere, to say that femininity itself is a masquerade. Freud had hit the female modesty a seduction strategy. Paradoxically, what the woman was presented as a deficit, a lack, was transformed into a more 'erotic. The evocation of something that lies behind the veil
does exist as an added value, while the fall of the curtain to expose the lack altogether. Lacan makes a step further, when advancing the mask of femininity is the vehicle of women's demand being the phallus, to be for the Other, the signifier of her desire. Here we have the relationship between masked and demand for love, which explains the maneuvers of seduction does not register the application to have, but that of being.
Wanda Tommasi, teaches philosophy at the University of Verona. Community Diotima.
Dress of women and looting. We will refer to the narratives of M. Duras (The Vice-Consul, The Lover) and I. Bachmann (Malina, three paths to the lake, Franza's case), showing how the assumption of conventional femininity, which is also expressed in some representation of themselves in front of others, with clothes and attitudes typically female, sometimes yields place, these authors, in a looting that left the woman on the edge of the human. I have especially in mind in this regard, the role of women in crazy Bachmann (Franza's case) and that of the beggar in Duras (The Vice-Consul), emblems of a female not dressed or dressed, but the rest appeared as abject.
Giovanna Giovanni, a psychoanalyst, a member of SLP, Milan.
A woman, a mother, between semblance and reality, deal with the many facets of contemporary and questions the so-called science of genetic reductionism, on the link woman / mother who touches the border between semblance and reality. Disamalgamare woman and mother, yes, but with some caution, since the dark and disturbing enjoyment of the body can turn to horror, just like in one another. Do not forget the contribution of Lacan in Seminar XX, where it says that the only attributes of women are maternal.
Alide Tassinari, a psychoanalyst, a member of SLP, Cesena.
love for a woman, will address the crucial issue of countenance and of his intimate involvement with the enjoyment of women, exploring the possibilities to make this enjoyment a privileged access to love. How to draw his likeness, with its tragicomic in the comedy side of the relationship between the sexes, may fail to love? And what kind of love? As the theory of difference has articulated this point? And as articulated in Psychoanalysis?
Rita Caccamo, teaches sociology at the University of Rome.
fashion between identity and seduction. will address the theme of clothing in relation to the imagination, the enhancement of the self, to seduction. The body and the personality of the subject of fashion - men or women - are at the center of a 'fundamental ambivalence: to be like (approval), and several other (differentiation) at the same time. Declined for women, this subject is to negotiate with him and with the Other, memberships, and singularity. Claim your unit, but lends itself to the fragment, its reduction in "pieces". From identity element, second skin, the clothing item - clothing, accessories, decorations - can be a fetish, with of its existence, a means of inorganic eros denied in its forms of reciprocity, in the encounter between the sexes.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
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and polenta pudding with dried cod creamed
Ingredients for 4 / 6 persons:
Stoccafisso spider
500 g extra virgin olive oil 1 dl , 5
1 clove garlic 1 anchovy fillet
n 1 Shallot Potatoes 200 g
dl 3 dl Milk 3
Chervil Salt Pepper
For the polenta :
Corn flour coveted gold foil or 200 g Butter
Water g 800 g 20 g 10
Soak the dried cod in cold water for 3 days, changing it frequently.
Cut the cod into pieces and cook in boiling water for 30 minutes. Allow to cool and clean to retrieve only the pulp.
Brown with half the garlic oil, chopped shallots and anchovy, combine dried cod.
Pour the sparkling wine and let evaporate.
Add milk and potatoes cut into small pieces.
Cook on low heat for 1 hour and a half.
Season with salt and pepper.
Let cool and blend in the cutter.
Bring to boiling water, add salt and butter.
Pour the flour and mix.
Cook the polenta over a low heat for an hour, stirring often.
Spread the polenta in a shallow container large, lightly greased.
Cool. With
coppapasta form of disks 6 / 7 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick.
brown in frying pan disks of polenta with a little oil. Season with salt.
Soak the mixture of dried cod.
Dial up hot plates 5 layers (three of polenta and two fish).
Sprinkle with a little olive oil and garnish with chervil.
the recipe must be planned well in advance.
Wines: Sauvignon
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Recipes elegant refined presentations, but also easy and very rapid: 48 preparations accompanied by photographs of the finished dish, description of the procedures, seasonal, tools, wine pairings and valuable advice chef. In the appendix the cooking times of foods, savory and sweet bases, such as shopping and plenty of practical tips and effective!
1997 Arctic Cat Zrt 600
½ pineapple
butter 20 g brown sugar 40 g ml
pum 40
yogurt 75 ml honey 40 g
grated lemon rind 1 pinch dried ginger
Clean the pineapple and cut into cubes 36. Cut the cake and cut into cubes 36. In a large skillet place the butter and sugar. Far caramelize and add the pineapple. Cook for 1 or 2 minutes on high heat. Flambé with rum and let it evaporate. Toast the panettone cubes in a hot oven until it is crispy and golden brown. Alternate cubes of pineapple cake and composing 12 skewers.
Season the yogurt with honey, lemon and ginger.
Serve the skewers with a spoonful of salsa.
Source: creative cuisine
Running time: 20 minutes
Seasons: Winter (full year)
Difficulty of implementation: media
wine pairing: Muscat Scanzo
Utensils: frying pan, skewers, chopping board, knife, bowl
Tip: You can package the skewers using other fruits and substituting another cake panettone but soft.
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Ingredients for 4 people:
160 g sliced \u200b\u200bsmoked swordfish
2 oranges 2 fennel
extra virgin olive oil 80 ml salt
white pepper salad news
clean g 80
Method: Peel the oranges
in vivo. Cut up in pieces, removing and recovering the juice Carefully peel and the white part.
Clean, wash and thinly slice the fennel. Emulsify orange juice with salt, pepper and extra virgin.
Distribute on plates cold salads, fennel and orange segments.
Season with the sauce.
Arrange the slices of sword. Garnish with a few sprig of fennel.
Source: Creative cuisine
Running time: 15 minutes
Season: winter / all year
Utensils: Cutting board, knives, blender
Difficulty: Medium
Tips: You can combine other raw vegetables and other raw fish, such as salads, radishes and fish eggs with smoked tuna and smoked sturgeon or grapefruit.
Wine Pairing: White Sicilian chardonnay
Friday, December 18, 2009
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E 'can be dispensed with to milk and dairy products, foods among the existing Natural Health? For some people it is necessary to give up, even the intake of milk proteins is to be avoided.
This book has the specific aims to provide useful information to all those who for medical reasons (allergies, or diseases) are forced to eliminate dairy from their diet: the advice of a nutritionist are joined by a chef tricks, recipes for tasty but correct, but tasty balanced.
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How can we contact the chef Fabio Zago?
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For recipes, tips and professional advice, contact